Capital Fringe 2012: BEST OVERALL SHOW
Where in the World?
The untold story of Camilla Sanfrancisco
a new musical by Jeff Vonch, Patrick English, and Adrian Verkouteren
for the 2012 Capital Fringe Festival
- Thursday, July 12 at 9:30 p.m.
- Saturday, July 14 at 7:00 p.m.
- Friday, July 20 at 9:30 p.m.
- Saturday, July 21 at noon
- Sunday, July 29 at 5:00 p.m.
at the Studio Theater, Milton Theater
1501 14th Street NW
Washington DC 20005
Camilla Sanfrancisco, the geographically-savvy top sleuth at ACME Agency, is accused of consorting with the enemy by her boss, The Chief, resulting in total disgrace. She then must begin a quest to piece her life back together and clear her name.
Directed by Patrick Magill
Music Director: Zack Ford
With thanks to our stellar cast:
Chip Hewitt, Vanessa Kinzey, Joe Leskody,
Katie Nigsch-Fairfax, Autumn Seavey, Jackie Salvador
- Opening night received an enthusiastic review from Jessica Vaughan in DC Metro Theater Arts: "You don’t have to be a fan or even know anything about Carmen Sandiego to enjoy this excellent production, but if she had any claim on on your childhood, I wouldn’t miss it."
- Saturday night (7/14) received another five-out-of-five review from Kelly McCorkendale at the DC Theater Scene web site: "This just in! Camilla Sanfrancisco is hot on the trail of success."
- Friday night (7/20) received a nice review from Lindsey Boyle on the "Fringe & Purge" blog of the Washington CityPaper web site: "Some big, well-placed lines get all the laughs, but keep watch for the clever bits like The Chief devolving until he's talking with his agents on an analog clock, or the see-hear-speak no evil trio of the ACME office crew."
- Friday night (7/20) received another upbeat review from the mysterious folk at the "T" is 4 Theater web site: "Only one more chance to see a clear contender for Fringe's best musical: Sunday, July 29 @ 5:00 p.m."
- We Love DC (7/24/12) included the show in their wrap-up of reviews from week two of the Fringe Festival: "...the dang thing is good. Really good. ... Please, I implore CrimeTime Productions: do Oregon Trail next." (You have to scroll down the page to find Where in the World?.)
So please come see us Sunday, July 29, at 5:00 p.m.
and for more information see...